Friday, July 6, 2012

Three times a charm?

The walls have haunted me. First they were screaming at me, then they were sighing to me. My attempt to salvage the situation turned in to anothr bitter failiure. The colours now clashed with the floors. Why did I not think of this before?! I was close to tears today. The floors were getting ruined, the ceiling was a mess and even the open fireplace was blue. So. Paint it all white. So I went to a proper store today after work and bought a large can of white paint and went to work. It works better with the floor, and there is no harm in white. I will probably think other tomorrow, but I will have to let it rest for a while.

I have continued working on my cupboard-bed. It's been trimmed and vaxed. And fitted with mattresses and pillows stuffed with raw cotton. Raw cotton gived a heavy feel to them. No fluffyness allowed! The clock was factory made, but I did some sawing into it and gave it some new paint. Clocks were usually painted in bright colours and wild patterns. But I did not dare to do anythin much artistic, I am a bit shy when it comes to painting.

And also, I would like to introduce Margit, she will live in The Red Cottage and is dressed in local costume. I have one just like hers.

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