Thursday, July 5, 2012


I did alot of work on the salon yesterday and was very pleased with the result. Until I installed all the panels. It reminded me of the finnish flag, very blue and white. If I lived in that house I would not have liked to have a salon that looked like something out of a tourist brochure. If I had only thought about it more. I knew it would be tricky, wallpaper is much easier.

So what to do? I thought about it, and found the best soliution was to cover it all in paint. Brilliant! If you were in a place where you could buy some paint. And my current location is not one of thoose. Sigh. I almost had a fit in one store, since they had the brand I normally use, but strange selection of colours. Tons of glossy lime green instead of plain white? Priorities?! I found the last tube of white in the back of their store. It was part of a set that cost me 150 SEK.

This is the result. Brighter yes, but I wish I had had more paint to fix things up. It just feels so messy and disorderly. I need paint! I cant work in theese conditions! (note to self: dramatization must end here.) And I ruined the wallpaper in the room next to it. My boyfriend will have to forward some paint later on...

Until later, L.

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