Gertrude was very severe when she told me that the wallpaper in the servants quarter would not do, too dreadfully boring. She is the mistress of the house and responsible for the welfare of the people employed. Lucky for me, I went shopping yesterday and found a striped paper intended for scrapbooks. Gertrude approved. And she was right, it looked a bit more cheerful now. Gertrude reminded me that the servants were not slaves, they could very well murder their masters in the beds if they were not happy about terms of conditions. Oh dear!

And here is another bad picture of more bricks. Funny, I had never done any bricks before I started this project, and now bricks seems to be everything I do. The bricks on this particular picture is darker, I forgot to add orange when I painted the cartons... Or I can say that the clay they used for building this wall was different from the rest, from up north or something.
This is the last work I will do on my basement for a very long time. I will go work in my home town as a museum guide, living at my parents house. I have my two houses there. The yellow house, where the basement belongs to. And the the red cottage. I will bring my tools along with me and intend to do a lot of work. It's been ages since I did anything on them and I have lots of plans! Until Sunday, happy midsummer!
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